News and Resources

13 June 2013
Quantum Pacific statement on proxy advisor reports

Quantum Pacific today releases its response to the incomplete analysis contained in some of the proxy advisor reports regarding Intrepid Mines.

Posted under Natural Resources
27 May 2013
Quantum Pacific statement on Intrepid letter to shareholders

Quantum Pacific Capital responds to continued tabloid commentary by the Intrepid board.

Posted under Natural Resources
20 May 2013
QPC response to Intrepid Board EGM statement and release of expanded Quantum Intrepid strategic plan

Quantum Pacific Capital has today sent a letter to all Intrepid Mines shareholders responding to the Intrepid Board's EGM document that separates the fact from fiction. In addition, Quantum has released an expanded strategic plan for Intrepid Mines.

Posted under Natural Resources
08 May 2013
Intrepid Mines shareholders demonstrate discontent with Board

The result of an AGM vote in Brisbane today has demonstrated shareholder disapproval with the current Board of Intrepid by putting the Board on notice with a "first strike" against the remuneration report. The Board also withdrew a resolution immediately ...

Posted under Natural Resources
23 April 2013
QPC leads Intrepid Mines shareholder group in vote to restructure Board

Quantum Pacific Capital / Quantum Pacific Investment Ltd have issued a press release today regarding its investment in Intrepid Mines Limited (ASX: IAU).

Posted under Natural Resources